
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 900 Providence Boulevard,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Sample Workout Week


E2MOM x 6 sets

1 Snatch Panda Pull +

1 Power Snatch +

1 Squat Snatch *:3s pause in catch

*FORM FIRST!! Keep all reps under 80%!


5 Rounds *each for time

15/12 cal row

50 DU/SU

15 burps over erg

*Rest 2 minutes* *Each round is an ALL OUT SPRINT!! You will have plenty of rest in order to give 100% every time!


Back Squats (5 x5 *E2MOM)

*Start at 70% and build


6 Rounds (3 rounds each)

Alternate between A and B

A) In 1 min, perform: 8 BJO (24/20) then, MAX Wallball (20/14) Rx+ 30/20

*Rest :30 sec*

B) In 1 min, perform 8 TNG C&J (95/65) Rx+ 115/80 then, MAX HSPU (or standing strict press)

*Rest :30s*

**Rest 2 minutes, then REPEAT


Helen (Time)

3 Round for time of:

400m Run

21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#

12 Pull-ups


Mectcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds NFT

20 Banded pull-aparts

20 Heavy rKBS

20 UB V-ups

*Rest 3 min*


1-arm DB Bench Press (4 x10 each * E3MOM)

*warm-up to moderate weight you could do for ~20 reps, attempting to increase weight every round

Metcon (Time)

20 DB Alt Box Step-ups (40/30, 18``) Rx+ 50/35

10 Man-makers

20 DB Alt Box Step-ups

8 Man-makers

20 DB Alt Box Step-ups

6 Man-makers

20 DB Alt Box Step-ups

4 Man-makers

20 DB Alt Box Step-ups

2 Man makers


1-arm DB Bench Press (4 x 10 each *E3MOM)

*warm-up to moderate weight you could do for ~20 reps, attempting to increase weight every round


Cardio Assault (Time)

1 mile run

100 Cal Row

300 DU (600 singles)


Stars and Stripes (Time)

50 1-arm KB Thrusters (53/35) Rx+ 70/53

13 Burpees

50 Alt KB push-ups

13 Burpees


13 Burpees

50 KB Box Step-overs

13 Burpees

50 KBS

13 Burpees


Black Jack (21's) ( Time)

21 Cal Row

1 Ball Slam (40/30) + 20 Cal Row

2 Ball Slams + 19 Cal Row

3 Ball Slams + 18 Cal Row

4 Ball Slams + 17 Cal Row...etc.

...until you end on 21 Ball Slams.

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Love this gym! Workouts are some of the toughest I’ve ever done. Having had times where one arm or one leg was out of commission due to my age and some physical anomalies the coaches found ways to work around that and still make it tough.

Lori Ann Mousetis Athlete

This place is the best! The coaches are extremely knowledgeable and will help you scale any workout to fit your ability level. And the community is very welcoming! CrossFit A.I.M. is like a second home to me.

Sarah Jimenez Athlete

The training I have received here is the best I’ve had. The coaches are knowledgeable and helpful. They see your full potential and help you strive to reach your goals. I am so happy I am a part of this amazing community.

Carissa Aileen Athlete

What is CrossFit?